Turn your hotel search into a pleasure.
Offer the right information with Willeasy.
Have the right people find your facility for you
In the hospitality world, communicating the right information about accessibility is critical to attracting the right customers.
Here are some of the questions your potential customers are asking:
- “Does the stroller go through the elevator? Is there room in the room to park it?”
- “I would like to book your hotel but I need to know the height of the faucets and light switches.”
- “My wife has food intolerances. Can you prepare a special menu for her?”
- “Do you accept small dogs? Can we keep him with us during meals?”

Are you wondering why accessibility is so important?
11% of the Italian population does not eat gluten, 7% are vegetarian or vegan, and 5% have a disability. Clearly communicating your facility’s accessibility means reaching out and meeting these specific needs, improving your customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.
Analysis, improvement, communication
Knowing your customers’ needs is critical to providing them with quality service. More and more people have accessibility-related needs, and more and more people would like to receive the information and a professional reception.

1. Mapping

2. Consulting and Training

3. Communication
The benefits to your facility
With Willeasy, you provide detailed information that helps a wide range of guests find the facility best suited to their needs: families with young children, people with food intolerances, the elderly, parents with strollers, and travelers with pets. Accurately communicating your facility’s features allows users to easily assess compatibility with their needs, ensuring a pleasant and stress-free stay.
Ottimizza le risorse investendole nella giusta direzione significa avere a portata di mano le risposte giuste per i tuoi potenziali clienti e personale formato per accogliere al meglio anche chi ha delle esigenze speciali.
Attira clienti con esigenze specifiche di accessibilità. Non parliamo solo di persone in carrozzina, ma di milioni di persone con esigenze diverse che nel tuo hotel si troveranno come a casa loro.
Soddisfa le esigenze dei tuoi clienti, fidelizzandoli. Offri loro dei servizi a valore aggiunto che per te possono essere una nuova fonte di ricavo e per loro una fantastica esperienza da ripetere.
Clienti soddisfatti generano raccomandazioni e recensioni positive.
Chi ha una disabilità o una esigenza specifica comunica molto più spesso l’esperienza positiva per dare la possibilità ad altri di trovarsi altrettanto bene.
Accessibility information
is not just for people with disabilities
Our solutions
Accessibility Kit
Make your facility more inclusive by collecting accurate accessibility data and informing your customers.
Staff training to ensure inclusive and respectful accommodations for clients with disabilities or special needs.
Virtual tour 360
We create 360-degree virtual tours to allow your clients to explore the facilities from the comfort of home, providing an immersive and realistic experience before their visit.
They chose Willeasy
Suite Inn
Le Fucine

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